is a publication that aims to connect connecticut-area researchers with the connecticut-area counterculture
so that punks, gardeners, DIYers, skaters, neuroradiologists, mathematicians and other malcontents who would
not have otherwise met might be collapsed into a small-world network that can better leverage the tools of the lab
to strive for healthier, kinder, better-resourced communities. Outside of our heirarchical workday power structures,
claims management systems, and the socioeconomic and land restrictions that keep these conversations from
occurring, how might we use what we have learned to be kinder to one another?

Help us make the profound joys of research accessible to those outside of the university system, promote replication,
celebrate null results, and open the lab doors to the underground scene in a new science of compassion and abundance.

dance, and get lost in the woods a little on the way :)

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